
The Great Wall

Http://www.sina.com.cn April 29, 2007 06 : 22 Shanxi News Network-Shanxi Evening News

山西大同煤车掘开明长城抄捷径逃费(图)Datong Coal trucks dug open the Great Wall taking a shortcut amounts (Picture)

本报4月28日讯(记者郭斌)肆意开挖长城根基,甚至为开辟煤车逃费通道“腰斩”长城。Our April 28 (Reporter Guo Bin) wanton excavation foundation of the Great Wall, or even to open coal cars amounts channel "abort" Great Wall. 在晋蒙交界大同市新荣区胡家窑村附近,许多开在长城脚下的大型煤场无视相关法律,将上千米明代长城破坏。Jin Meng at the junction of the new Datong Hu Rong district near Yaocun, many opened at the foot of the Great Wall of large coal market ignored relevant laws, ASK will be on the destruction of the Ming dynasty.

  今日一早,记者从大同市出发,沿云丰公路来到我省与内蒙古自治区交界的胡家窑村附近。Today morning, reporters from Datong City, Feng Yun along the highway to the province and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region junction near Yaocun Hu. 这里曾是古时边塞要冲,绵延有十几公里的明代长城。Here was the ancient frontier fortress hub, stretching more than 10 km of the Ming dynasty. 因云丰公路是晋煤外运的重要通道,有人瞅准这个地理优势,陆续在长城脚下开起了大型煤场,截至目前已有十几家。By Feng Yun Jin Coal Highway is a vital channel progressed, it was aimed at the geographical advantages, at the foot of the Great Wall have started a large-scale coal market, as of now has more than 10.

  记者在此处看到,为了“圈地”,受利益驱动的一些煤场主竟将部分长城根基铲掉,并原地取土建房。Xinhua here to see, in order to "grab" driven by the interests of the coal yards describing some of the main foundation of the Great Wall shoveled away. marking and brickworks building. 偌大的煤场内,一个个小山似的煤堆正吞噬着长城的“肢体”。Even the coal inside a hill-like pile is to swallow up the wall "physically." 滚滚煤尘中,巍峨矗立了数百年的文化遗产被折腾得乌烟瘴气。Billowed from coal dust, towering stands of centuries of cultural heritage are brought in the pandemonium.

  在采访中,附近一些村民告诉记者还有“比这更严重的事”。In the interview, some nearby villagers told reporters there is "far more serious than this thing." 原来,我省与内蒙古交界处设有公路收费站,一些拉煤大型运输车为了逃费,竟然将长城铲开了一个大豁口,作为煤炭外运的通道。In fact, our province and Inner Mongolia junction with Highway toll station, some large trucks with coal in order to escape charges to the Great Wall has opened a spade a big tracks, as a coal transport channels.

  因怕煤场的人报复,知情村民不愿详细说明,记者只好通过收费站进入内蒙古地界,沿长城另一侧寻找被“腰斩”长城。Coal Field, for fear of retaliation, informed the villagers do not want to elaborate on, had no choice but to enter through the toll booths in Inner Mongolia boundary Traffic on the other side of the Great Wall was looking for "killing" the Great Wall. 在内蒙古丰镇市境内,记者向一名经常路过此处的三轮车司机打听后,沿着一条洒满煤渣的土路向山西方向返回。In Inner Mongolia Fengzhen City, the reporters to a regular stopover here looking for the tricycle driver, wrote cinder along a dirt road to the Shanxi direction. 走了不多远,记者就看见了横亘在眼前的长城。How far away is not, the reporter saw in the eyes along the Great Wall. 这条土路穿墙而过,将长城拦腰斩为两段。This dirt road to pierce the wall and that wall down the middle of chopped two.

  经观察,记者果然发现有煤车从这个被铲开的豁口穿越晋蒙交界,“从容”逃费。By observation, it was found that a reporter coal trucks be shoveled from the opening of tracks crossing the junction Jin Meng, "calmly" escape charges. 记者沿土路继续回驶,正好回到了胡家窑村附近的煤场。Xinhua continued along the dirt road back to driving, is returned to the Hu Yaocun nearby coal yards.

  今日上午,记者采访了大同市文物部门。This morning, the reporter interviewed the Datong City Museum. 据有关负责人介绍,按照2006年12月1日国家施行的《长城保护条例》,在长城附近取土建房、开煤场、损毁长城开通道,都是破坏长城风貌的行为,是绝不允许的,他们将对此进行调查。According to the responsible person, according to December 1, 2006 implementation of the national "Great Wall Protection Ordinance" brickworks in the vicinity of the Great Wall built open coal yard, damaged the Great Wall opened, the Great Wall features are destructive behavior, is absolutely not allowed, they will look into.
the great wall